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 Through the monsoon [Anglaiis]

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Nombre de messages : 74
Age : 31
Localisation : Sur mOn Ptiit Nuage =D
Préféré du groupe : Guus (L) ~ BiiLL (L)
Chanson préf` : Schreiiii =D
Date d'inscription : 09/07/2007

Through the monsoon [Anglaiis] Empty
MessageSujet: Through the monsoon [Anglaiis]   Through the monsoon [Anglaiis] Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Juil - 22:03

I'm staring at a broken door,
There's nothing left here anymore.
My room is cold,
It's making me insane.

I've been waiting here so long,
An other moment seems to 've come,
I see the dark clouds coming up again.

Running through the monsoon,
Beyond the world,
To be end of time,
Where the rain won't hurt (?)

Fighting the storm,
Into the blue,
And when I loose myself I think of you,
Together we'll be running somewhere new…

Through the monsoon.
Just me and you.

A half moon's fading from my sight,
I see your vision in its light.
But now it's gone and left me so alone

I know I have to find you now,
Can hear your name, I don't know how.
Why can't we make this darkness feel like home?

Running through the monsoon,
Beyond the world,
To be end of time,
Where the rain won't hurt (?)

Fighting the storm,
Into the blue,
And when I loose my self I think of you,
Together we'll be running somewhere new…
And nothing can hold me back from you.

Through the monsoon. Hey! Hey!

I'm fighting all this power,
Coming in my way
Let it sail me straight to you,
I'll be running night and day.

I'll be with you soon…
Just me and you.

We'll be there soon…
So soon.

Running through the monsoon,
Beyond the world,
To be end of time,
Where the rain won't hurt (?)

Fighting the storm,
Into the blue,
And when I loose myself I think of you,
Together we'll be running somewhere new…
And nothing can hold me back from you.

Through the monsoon.
Through the monsoon.
Just me and you.
Through the monsoon.
Just me and you.
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Through the monsoon [Anglaiis]
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